Open Tent Be Mitzvah
Youth Be Mitzvah Registration
Will Be Open Soon!

You may have heard of Bar or Bat Mitzvah, or even B’nai Mitzvah, the Jewish coming of age celebration for teens. At Judaism Your Way, we have our own unique take on this milestone, and we call it Be Mitzvah.
Why? We’ve got four awesome reasons:
- First, we want to show that Judaism offers endless ways to Be human. It’s not just about what you believe, but also about how you live your life in a Jewish way and how you want to “BE” in the world.
- Second, Mitzvah can be translated as “good deed,” “right action,” or “action that shows you care.” It’s about forging connections and expressing your commitment to something that truly matters to you.
- Thirdly, we teach students that, just like ourselves, our family and friends come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and that we are creating accessible services that reflect who we are. We call this Radical Hospitality.
- Lastly, we’re all about inclusivity! Instead of focusing on gender-specific terms like “Bat” for daughter or “Bar” for son, we embrace a gender-inclusive approach. Everyone is welcome to celebrate their Be Mitzvah with us!
Youth Programs
Adult Programs
An Experience Like No Other
The Open Tent Be Mitzvah experience is all about embracing the learning journey within a Jewish context. We’re here to guide student as they explore their Jewish identity, leading up to a meaningful and personal Be Mitzvah ceremony.
Our program goes beyond just the ceremony itself. It’s a transformative process that empowers students to discover their own unique Jewish leadership voice. As they stand at the threshold of this new journey, the ceremony serves as a powerful springboard, propelling them into a future where they can make a real impact.
Through the Be Mitzvah experience, students develop the skills and mindset to take on more responsibility, not only for themselves but also for their relationships and the world around them. It’s about finding their place in the Jewish community and beyond, as they navigate their path with confidence and purpose.
One of aspects that makes The Open Tent Be Mitzvah program unique is the range of our students. Many of our families are interfaith/mixed heritage and many of our students are coming into formal Jewish education for the first time. We also teach students that our family and friends come from diverse backgrounds and experiences and that we are creating accessible services that reflect ourselves – we call this radical hospitality!
So, if you’re ready for your child, or ready yourself, to embark on an incredible journey of personal growth, connection, and radical hospitality, join us for our Open Tent Be Mitzvah program. It’s an experience like no other, tailored just for you.
People across the country are talking about our Open Tent Be Mitzvah program. We are thrilled to share the news with you!
Judaism Unbound
Judaism Unbound is a digitally driven, radically open center for education serving as a catalyst for an entirely new era of Judaism. Check out Podcast Episode 379: Be Mitzvah, Your Way – with our very own Amy Atkins and Rabbi Amanda Schwartz.
The Jewish Education Project
The Jewish Education Project has published a comprehensive featured report: From Census to Possibilities: Designing Pathways for Jewish Learners which reveals findings on the current state of Jewish Supplementary Schools of North America. The Open Tent Be Mitzvah program is highlighted as a thriving program!
The Gift of Belonging, by Rabbi Amanda Schwartz was published in eJewishPhilanthropy. “In the Open Tent Be Mitzvah program that I direct, we encourage our students to be and do who they are and to create a ceremony that aligns with how they want to Be in the world. Witnessing the impact of the Be Mitzvah process on our students, as well as some wisdom from Dr. Brene Brown, has shown me the potential that Be Mitzvah has to create a sense of belonging.”
Whether you grew up observing Shabbat every Friday night, or had your first taste of matzah ball soup when you married into a Jewish family, there’s no one way to parent Jewish kids. Kveller gives parents ideas they can run with–and they gave Rabbi Amanda Schwartz the opportunity to share the lessons and ideas that she’s learned from her Be Mitzvah students that give her hope for our future!
Our Philosophy – The Torah of Inclusion™
For the last 20 years, Judaism Your Way has been spreading love, joy, acceptance, empathy, and respect in the Jewish community and with our loved ones. Every day, we embrace new, creative ways of being and doing Jewish, redefining who belongs in Jewish spaces, what Judaism can feel like, and who it should serve. It became our mission to be as welcoming and expansive as possible, leading to the creation of The Torah of Inclusion™.
Get ready to dive into a whole new perspective on inclusive Judaism.
Meeting People Where They Are
Bringing About Full Inclusion
Build Community From “Me” To “We”
Inclusion Outside of Our Work
Ever Evolving And Changing
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