Counting the Omer, Netzach Sheh b’NetzachBy Dan Yolles In Jewish tradition, we are currently in a period of what is called counting the Omer, the 49 day period between the 2nd night of Passover and Shavuot, the holiday marking the receiving of the Torah from Mt. Sinai. While traditionally it holds agricultural implications as ‘omer’… Read More from Counting the Omer, Netzach Sheh b’Netzach

Jewish Cooking… a nod to my ancestorsBy Amy Leszman “The stove is the shrine where I convene with my ancestors.” – Unknown At a doctor’s appointment I had this week, the doctor asked me a peculiar question: what are your hobbies? Although I was thrilled that my medical care team was invested in my whole… Read More from A Nod to my Ancestors

A Passover NiggunBy Dan Yolles My name is Dan Yolles and I am one of the Be Mitzvah educators here at Judaism Your Way as well as a Rabbinical Student in the ALEPH Ordination Program. As we are approaching Passover, one of Judaism’s major holidays that recounts the Israelite’s Exodus from Egypt or in Hebrew,… Read More from A Passover Niggun