Judaism Your Way


Love is in the air

Love Is In The Air
By Rabbi Amanda Schwartz

“It’s summer and love is in the air!”

It’s summer and love is in the air! One of my favorite responsibilities as a rabbi is getting to officiate weddings. It is such a sacred moment standing with a couple under a chuppah, a Jewish wedding canopy, as they publicly declare their love and commitment to one another. 

A few months ago, I was interviewed by Debra Nussbaum Cohen from The Forward for an article about where Conservative rabbis stand on officiating at interfaith weddings. She was interested in speaking with me because she knew I was ordained as a Conservative rabbi but that I no longer identified as such due to my commitment to officiating at interfaith weddings. I believe a ‘Jewish adjacent’ partner adds to Judaism and to their Jewish families.

“I was ordained as a Conservative rabbi but I no long identify as such due to my commitment to officiating at interfaith weddings.”

Rabbi Amanda Schwartz

When the article came out, as often happens, I was disappointed that much of what I shared was left out of the piece. What I wish was included were my comments about how much I believe a “Jewish adjacent” partner (a phrase used by a recent Be Mitzvah dad to refer to himself) adds to Judaism and to their Jewish families. At a recent wedding, the Jewish adjacent groom, created a stunning Ketubah (wedding contract) with the commitments that he and his wife chose to publicly make to one another. He not only created the art but also wrote the Ketubah in calligraphy in English and Hebrew! Another Jewish adjacent partner is working on Rosetta stone so that he can teach his son Hebrew. These men are just two examples of the countless partners to Jewish loved ones, who come from other traditions or cultures, who are adding so much to Judaism.

“Not only would turning down these couples be devastating for the couple but would be a complete loss for the Jewish people.”

Rabbi Amanda Schwartz

The article also reminded me of why Judaism Your Way is so special and why the work we do is so important. I was horrified by some of the comments made by rabbis in this article. It made me so sad to imagine couples like the ones I describe above seeking out one of these rabbis for their wedding and what the response would have been. Not only would turning down these couples be devastating for the couple but would be a complete loss for the Jewish people.

“I’m so grateful I get to say ‘I do’ to any couple who asks me to officiate their wedding, without asking them to change something.”

Rabbi Amanda Schwartz

I’m so proud of the work I get to do at Judaism Your Way. I feel so blessed to stand under the chuppah with any couple who seeks us out. I’m so grateful I get to say “I do” to any couple who asks me to officiate their wedding, without asking them to change something. My prayer is that the future of Judaism looks far more like the open tent of Judaism Your Way – where everyone is welcome.

If you would like to read the text of the article, you can do so here- https://forward.com/news/501853/conservative-rabbis-interfaith-marriage-ban-preside-officiate-uscj-blumenthal/ 

Rabbi Amanda Schwartz
Family Life Director